Casper's Story

I know Casper is not a girl's name!

I know Casper is not a girl's name!


Gender: Female
Breed: Calico
Hometown: Menlo Park, CA
Status: Passed away 2/28/2020. RIP.

A few years ago I wandered into the garden of an elderly lady who fell in love with me! She named me "Casper" after the friendly ghost, even though I'm a girl! I played hard to get, but her friends finally nabbed me and had me "fixed", although I don't remember being broken in any way. Gradually I grew more confident and came into her house. I liked to sit by her computer while she worked and sleep in her bedroom at night.

Sadly my adopted mom passed away recently. I was stuck outside for a little while because I was too afraid to go back into the house when she wasn't there, but her friends were kind to me. They fed me and eventually took me to stay with some other cats for a while. I'm not sure I really like being in close quarters with other cats, but I'm keeping my chin up.

You might not think I'm a Calico because I'm mostly white, but look closely at my "patches"!

You can pet me anytime now!
You can pet me anytime now!
What's with those flashes?
What's with those flashes?